Thursday, July 1, 2010

I feel so lucky!

So the past couple days I've noticed some posts on my youngest stepson's Facebook page. He's 16 and going through some girl drama. Poor guy...his heart is getting broken!! I wish there was something I could do for him.

Well, last night as I was looking around on Facebook, he instant messages me! How cool is that!!

We talked briefly about how it sucks to have someone you love so much break your heart. I told him if I was there that I would give him a BIG hug. He was so kind to say that it's been a long time since he's seen me and would be nice to have a hug! (Remember, they live four hours away in Wisconsin.)

He went on to say some pretty incredible things to me. How great of a step mom I am, how I've done so much for him and his brother, How he and his brother love me like their own mom, etc.
Boy this kid has grown into an amazing yougn man!!! I feel so lucky to have him (and his brother) in my life! I was always afraid I wasn't doing enough as a step mom for them...I always wished the lived closer so I could be more a part of their lives. He assured me that he remembers EVERYTHING I've done for them since day one....and how he couldn't have asked for anything more.

Needless to say after I got over the initial shock of having such a deep conversation with him, I cried like a baby. Everything he told me made me feel so incredibly good....some of the best things I've heard for a long time!

I'm going to try and work things out to go pick him (and maybe is brother too) up one of these weekends so he can come spend some time with me and his dad. He needs to get away from the drama going on...and we want to see him very bad!!

I'm proving Disney wrong!!! Not all step moms are mean and evil!!! Some of us are pretty darn cool and loved a lot!!! So all you step moms out proud!!! Very Proud!!!

Step moms ROCK!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

On this first day of summer, I'm thinking back on growing up and summers at the cabin! It just hasn't been the same since all the family is no longer in the bay. Oh how I looked forward to seeing my MANY cousins each summer!! Swimming in the lake all day, running from made up monsters, playing with sparklers, and watching the all seems like yesterday.

Why do we have to grow up??

I do hope all my cousins have the same fond memories as I do! (Way too many to mention here!)

Nope, going up to Johnson Lake just isn't the same anymore. But, it's still a good time! Wish I could get up there more often.

Wishing everyone a wonderful summer! Go make some memories!!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The beginning

I've been thinking some time now on starting a blog and finally took the leap! Wishing I started a while ago when I had more going on in life to talk about. But, none the less, here I am now!

Forgive me if I make many changes to my layout - I'm so indecisive! Too many options to choose from. I might just have to change things to reflect my mood or better yet to match my random thought for the day!

Where will this blogging journey take me??? Who knows!!!

WAIT WAIT WAIT......What??? No plan??? Oh boy! This ought to be an adventure!!!

And we're off - wish me luck - I'm going to need it!